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Your ears are crucial to your overall health and well-being, yet they're often overlooked in self-care routines. From hearing to balance, your ears contribute significantly to your quality of life. 


Microsuction undertaken correctly is a pain-free method used to remove wax from ear canals when irrigation isn't possible, where any water in the ear canal could enter the inner ear and cause problems.

Warm water irrigation gently removes the wax by using a controlled, low-pressure water jet angled towards the ear canal wall rather than at the actual blockage (which may push the wax deeper and cause discomfort or ear pain).


Manual Removal
Under the steady hands of the clinician, and guided with a specula, we can use a variety of sterile manual wax removal tools to clear stubborn and hard to remove blockages.


We have all the tools at our disposal to care for your ears. By prioritizing ear health, you can safeguard your hearing, maintain balance, and support your overall well-being. 



Available by booking only


Contact Lily on  

07557 415262


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